Monday, April 14, 2014

Teaching - Learning

I'm going to share something I've observed in life.  No matter how young or old you are, no matter what your education, no matter what your life experiences, you still have something to learn from everyone and everything with whom you come in contact.  Sometimes it's deep, profound learning.  Sometimes it's superficial.  But there's ALWAYS something to be learned.

Also, no matter how young or old you are, no matter what your education, no matter what your life experiences, you still have something to teach everyone and everything with whom you come in contact.  Sometimes it's deep, profound teaching.  Sometimes it's superficial.  But there's ALWAYS something to be taught.

Watching people's reactions to whatever is going on, teaches you something about that person.  Conversely, people learn something about you if they watch your reactions to what's going on around you.  We're ALL constantly learning and teaching, teaching and learning.  It's so interesting.  What a fun way to look at life!

When you're in the grocery line or at the bank or where ever you may be,  watch the people around you.  Observe the looks on their faces.  Notice their body language.  If they look upset, sad, stressed or even happy, see if there is something you can do to make their day a little bit brighter.  Sometimes all it takes is a smile, a laugh or a kind word.  You may make a new friend... or you may never know the change you made in someone's day, attitude or even their life.  You learned from them that they needed uplifted.  You taught them that someone DOES care and that the world isn't such a bad place after all.  And they may have learned from you how to "pay it forward" and do the same for someone else.

Love,  Paula

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