Monday, June 17, 2013

Encouraging Success

I joined Weight Watchers at the end of February.  After being inactive because of my bunion surgery, I "blossomed".  I finally got to the point where I knew I had to do something.  My something is Weight Watchers and it's working out well for me.

As part of the Weight Watchers meeting we're asked, "Who's celebrating this week?"  Basically that means who has lost any weight?  And no matter if it's 5 pounds, 2 pounds or .2 pounds, everyone celebrates with you.  They applaud and are genuinely happy for and supportive of each other's accomplishments big AND small.  Then we're asked what we did to accomplish our success.  In this way maybe we can help others be successful too.

When I was at last week's meeting being applauded for a .6 pound weight loss, it hit me.  Shouldn't ALL life be like that?  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could ALL be supported, encouraged and applauded for the big and small accomplishments in our lives?  Wouldn't it be fantastic if people were genuinely happy for each other's successes and not jealous or envious?  Wouldn't it be great to then try to help others be successful too?

I feel like Weight Watchers meetings are a good example that the world could benefit from.  Let's all support, encourage and applaud everyone's successes and then try to help others be successful too.  If we all did that, we could change our world.

Love,  Paula

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