Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve with all the wonder and magic that it brings.  If you have young children or grandchildren, it's so much fun to experience this special time of year through their eyes.  It helps you to remember what it was like when you were little and there was so much anticipation.  There were special treats, company, decorations, dinners, TV specials, movies, vacation from school, and SANTA!!!  Oh that wonderful, wonderful man!

I'm so fortunate that two of my three children live in the area and they happen to be the parents of my grandchildren.  I get to experience Christmas through their eyes.  It's special... magical.  I don't know what I would do without my wonderful family.

But there are people out there that don't have any family.  Let's try to remember them while we're busy with all our festivities.  Reach out with visits, phone calls and prayers.  Just being remembered is the best gift they could ever receive.  There are many charitable organizations that do this work.  If you can't get involved personally, maybe you could consider donating to one of those organizations.  It will make you feel good and make someone else's holiday a little brighter.

However you choose to celebrate, I wish you magic and wonder this holiday season.

Love,  Paula

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