Monday, January 27, 2014

Snow Is My Friend

Snow is my friend.  After almost a week of inactivity, snow got me up, out, and moving again.  Let me

My husband recently had to undergo some minor surgery.  It was one where he had to stay the night at the hospital.  So leading up to the day of surgery, we spent time getting things ready.  We're both planners... probably to a fault.  We spent much time planning, making lists, and generally getting ourselves and our home ready.  Consequently we were both a little less physically active than usual.  No visits to the gym.  Obviously, the day of surgery was spent in the hospital.  We had to be there by 10 AM so we left the house at 9:30 AM.  I didn't get home until after 7 PM.  The next morning I was at the hospital around 8 AM to bring my husband home.  All went very well, but it threw me off my routine.  It doesn't take much to put me back into a sedentary lifestyle.

It snowed a little the other day.  My son lives across town, but called to offer to clear the snow from our driveway and sidewalks.  We told him not to bother.  We have a truck and if we needed to go out, we'd just crawl over it.  Then it snowed again.  We didn't want our son to have to come across town to shovel us out.  There will probably come a time when we'll need the help.  Fortunately, not yet.  But we sure did appreciate the offer.

My husband and our neighbor take turns helping each other out.  Which ever one is out first snow blows for the other.  I decided to "suit up" and shovel the front and back decks, the steps and the sidewalks leading up to them.  Even though it was only 9 degrees out, I wasn't cold.  It was actually invigorating.  It felt so good to be outside getting some fresh air and exercise.  If it hadn't snowed and if my husband hadn't had surgery and couldn't do it himself, I would probably STILL be sitting around being sedentary.  So... SNOW IS MY FRIEND.

Love,  Paula

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